Stay Comfortably in Bonnyville
Westcorp is proud to offer both an Inn and Express Inn for guests in Bonnyville.
The Neighbourhood Inn
Featuring 50 deluxe rooms and suites, The Neighbourhood Inn offers a reprieve during any stay in Bonnyville with amenities and services onsite to enhance convenience.
5011 66 Street Bonnyville, AB T9N 2L9
The Neighbourhood Inn Express
Enjoy comfort and convenience during your stay in one of our 52 rooms, featuring either king-sized beds or double beds, and a variety of services, both onsite and nearby.
Neighbourhood Inn Express
6407 50 Avenue
Bonnyville, AB T9N 2L9
(780) 826-3300 | Phone
Have Questions?
Contact us today!
Westcorp Property Management
(780) 826-3300