As an organization, Westcorp strives to create spaces and places that bring out the best in people, and at the very core lies the concept of safety and belonging for our tenants, residents and employees. We remain dedicated to serving and supporting our community and responding to the recent antidiscrimination discussions by committing to continuous learning and being part of the solution.
1. We acknowledge the injustices and struggles faced by Black and Indigenous people, and people of colour.
2. We want to lead by example and, from within our organization, inspire change in the quest for equality for all.
We have taken the time to reflect, and now is the time to take action. We are:
1. Reaching out to black, indigenous, and POC team members offering an honest forum to:
• Gain insight into experiences of racism or discrimination they may have encountered in the workplace that we, as their employer, can address and make right
• Collect feedback on how to better support them or improve
2. Curating a resource bank on anti-racism for our staff and team members to support on-going education and awareness
3. Revisiting our company playbook to review and ensure policies are designed to protect the rights and opportunities of black, indigenous, and POC employees and address racism/discrimination in the workplace
4. Relooking at all aspects of our company culture to find ways to highlight inclusivity and diversity more prominently
5. Donating locally to the Centre for Race and Culture – https://cfrac.com/get-involved/donate/
We acknowledge we are learning and unlearning. We are taking a stand. We are taking action. We are staying in the conversation.